Guarantee Your Child’s Academic and Life Success


On a rainy September afternoon, twenty-five years ago, two young boys returned to a fairly good school to start their senior secondary education.

They were very much alike, these young boys.

Both were better than average students, brought up by responsible middle class parents and both- as teenagers were filled with ambitious dreams of been medical doctors.

Recently these boys now men, returned to their former school for their 25th reunion.

They were still very much alike.

Both were happily married with three kids each. And both, it turned out work at the same University Teaching Hospital.

But there was a difference. One of the men was the Chief Driver of the hospital while the other was its Chief Medical Director.

What Made The Difference

Have you ever wondered, as I have what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives? It isn’t always a native intelligence or talent or dedication or luck. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t.

The difference lies in how we learn, prepare and take exams.

And that is why I want to introduce to you and parents like you the secret powerful tool called PREP50 Study Materials. For that is the whole purpose of PREP50: To make students, MASTERS of their subjects and give them enormous confidence in their abilities to tackle WAEC and JAMB examinations.

The Benefits: What Your Child Will Gain By Using PREP50

Everyone (parents, teachers and school managers) know that the scientifically proven way human beings learn and assimilate information is bit by bit, topic by topic and chapter by chapter; that why all textbooks are so written. Yet as it concerns preparation for WAEC and JAMB examinations, I have noticed that virtually everyone commit three grievous errors that negated this principle. Errors that made a brilliant student end up a driver as against his wishes of becoming a medical doctor.

The errors have to do with WHEN and HOW to start preparing and WHAT TOOLS to use. PREP50 have corrected such errors.

When to Start Preparing

A cursory glance through either WAEC or JAMB syllabus on any subject will reveal that it covers SS1-3 topics. Yet most teachers have the tendency to test SS1 and SS2 students with softball tests – questions not up to the WAEC or JAMB standard because they don’t know they are already preparing them for the exams as it is generally believed that preparation for JAMB and WAEC starts from SS3. We even refer to SS3 as the exam class. The parents of the driver also believed that he will only start preparing from SS3, he did and failed.

This is totally wrong because this misconception affords no other opportunity to test the students mastery of the topics taught in lower classes vis a vis the standard.

PREP50 will afford your child the opportunity of testing themselves against WAEC and JAMB standard from the very first topic in SS1 just like the Chief Medical Director did.

How to Prepare

Typically students prepare for WAEC or JAMB by trying to solve a particular year’s examination in an hour or two. They end up getting confused and learning nothing because this approach goes against the common sense, that for learning to be effective, it has to be contextualized, bit sized and well structured.

PREP50 Past Question Booklets are arranged into topics and subtopics that helps develop your child’s ability to think like an examiner/teacher. This is a huge skill for every student so long as your studies warrant that you will write an exam. By painstakingly going through the PREP50 series, subject by subject, topic by topic, and sub-topic after sub-topic, the scales will fall off from your eyes and like it happened to Adam and Eve, you will know the world and you will begin to see how examiners create, craft and structure questions just to test your understanding.

The beauty of this skill for your child is that every new textbook your child picks to read, he/she will be able to predict likely questions that can come from the topic. This prediction capacity will make your child not to fail any exam again in their lifetime unless they did not prepare for it. If your child can think like the teacher, they will know the part of the textbook that any good teacher will set questions from and focus more on those areas.

What Tools to Use

All other past questions are compiled year by year. This is only good if the student have mastered the entire syllabus, but for learning the subject, very wrong.

By using PREP50, your child will effectively “learn how to learn”. This is very important. It is one of the most vital skills any student must have to succeed as a student.

Some children think that learning is all about opening and reading a book, well they do that every day in school without actually learning anything because learning requires more than the act of opening and reading. Your child will learn how to organize his/her academic tasks in a way that will ensure that learning is always taking place and in a way that you can also measure what they have learnt.

Finally the greatest advantage of using PREP50 lies on the fact that when you avoid these errors something spiritual happens. Your child’s Retentive Memory improves. Because this learning approach will help create neural networks in your child’s brain. If you listen to radio programs, sometime you begin to complain why the same callers call-in every day to share their opinion while hundreds of others find it hard to call into the program even for once in a year. The secret is neural networks.

When you do something every day, you create a pathway in your mind for easy recall. By using Prep50 to study, your child will naturally create that neural networks between the subjects and his/her mind to enable for easy recall on the day of exam.

This neutral network will give him/her the confidence to face any exam without malpractice and even when offered such will vehemently reject it.

You see, that was the case with the two young boys. The Chief Medical Director with the help of our great teacher prepared with a system similar to PREP50 and made A1’s in WAEC and 352 in JAMB and move to university immediately after secondary to study Medicine. After graduation, he secured employment with the University Teaching Hospital and rose to the top position.

His friend, the equally intelligent and smart boy who became just a driver was unfortunate not to use such because his parents refuse to pay the teacher for the privilege of using his system. He struggled to credit his WAEC papers at two sittings and spent another two years to secure admission to study Plant Science at the university. After graduation, he spent 4 years searching for a job with Plant Science on his CV and could only secured the driver’s job through the assistance of his friend, the doctor.

So what made the difference in their professional lives? Learning the right way. Preparing and taking exams the right way. PREP50.

Study Guide Like No Other

You see, PREP50 is a compilation of Past Questions but very unique. It is the only such series arranged in a textbook format. It was developed based on a system used by a Maltina Teacher of the Year Awardee that guided the Chief Medical Director from his SS 1 to external examinations of WAEC and JAMB.

PREP50 comes in bundles. The WAEC bundle contains 7 books while JAMB bundle has 4 books.

Jamb Bundle

English Language
Literature In Eng.

WAEC Bundle

English Language
Literature In Eng.
Civic Education

How and what tools, the students make use of during their exam preparations matter a lot. Don't you think, this is the major reason why smart kids often fail JAMB or do not credit all their paper in WAEC. Take this opportunity today and order this PREP50 series. The truth is, tomorrow you may not see this website again and this book is not yet in the market and there is none available that is organized with this secret method from the award winning teacher in mind.

When you place an order now,

You will get either:


How does one accurately calculate the value of such a game changer? I went to an Economist for help and after factoring the stress remove from the student, the impact on his/her future earnings and the expense saved the parents on retaken exams and bribes; he came up with #350k but am not going to charge you that. Even though that at ₦350,000, it is still very cheap because people spend up to ₦500,000 just to gain admission into Medicine and law etc and the most unfortunate thing is that 80% of them lose their money that way and their student end up studying Fishery or Plant Science in school.

We will not charge you ₦350,000 because our main aim is not to make money but to help your child gain admission without bribe or sorting, so he/she can achieve their dreams and lead a successful life.

We understand the condition of the country and for that the JAMB bundle is not even ₦20,000 or ₦15,000 but just a token of ₦13,000 and WAEC bundle is ₦18,000

But your child needs both bundles for effective and efficient preparation, so we will give you a huge ₦3,500 naira discount... So instead of ₦31,000 you only pay ₦27,500 ...

Listen and think about it. This is not even up to what we spend on Dstv subscription in a term... And what do u get in return? News about death, destruction etc. but when u get this tool, you set your child up for life because if,... No not If…. for when your child scores 350 in Jamb and gets admitted into the University to study medicine or law or whatever course he/she loves, without your spending any dime or bribing anybody, you would have saved yourself millions.

When he graduates, he can take care of him/herself and you too. Don't you want that for your child? I know you do. So that's why you need to click this button now, place your order and we will deliver to you. If you wait till tomorrow, we may run out of stock and printing more books takes weeks. That's why you have to get this revolutionary tool now!

Well time is ticking on this offer, imagine how horrible you will feel leaving this page and not getting this tool for your child and he ends up scoring 201 in JAMB, leading him on the path to humiliation. You will blame the Government, the CBT center, the computer and everyone but the real person to blame is you. Because you brought this unto your child with the decision you make now to leave without ordering. Your child may get another one year to stay at home or make you spend hundreds of thousands to bribe admission officials unending for a problem 10k should have solved. So place your order now and it will be sent to you within 24 to 48hrs.

Powerful Guarantee

I will only collect payment at the point of delivery to ensure you get to see these marvelous works before you part with your money.

Contact Us


When you place an order for hardcopy on any of the bundle, and your subject combinations are a bit different, please give us a call on Phone: 09038356928 to confirm the subjects you need within the bundle.

Once your order is confirmed and the subjects properly selected we will send out your order for delivery.

Phone: 09038356928

Prep50 Jamb And Waec Past Questions

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Our Available Bundles

Any additional book to the bundle will cost ₦2,000 per book